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  1. Examples Of Complexity Theory
  2. Complexity Gaming
  3. Complexity Of Algorithm

What is the opposite of Complexity? Antonyms for Complexity (opposite of Complexity). Complexity horse page with past performances, results, pedigree, photos and videos. Complexity horse rating and status. See who is a fan of Complexity.

Olaf Sporns (2007), Scholarpedia, 2(10):1623.doi:10.4249/scholarpedia.1623revision #91142 [link to/cite this article]

Synonyms for complexity in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for complexity. 8 synonyms for complexity: complication, involvement, intricacy, entanglement, convolution. Cfia automated shipment inspection status search tool.

Post-publication activity

Curator:Olaf Sporns

How to Create an Invoice in Microsoft Word. An invoice is a formal business document presented by a dealer to a client. Like a receipt, it also states sale transactions, products, ordered quantities, and payment agreement of the products or services provided to a certain client.The list of payment/s are stated in the invoice. Download the 'Free Word Invoice Template' online to your computer or device Edit the fields in the invoice template with your business name, business contact information, client information, services. Here are our templates closely related to 20 Microsoft Office Invoice Templates Free Download. C3007 Notary Invoice Template 1; c5098 Invoicing Template for Roofing Service 2; c5150 Product Names and Shipping Address on Aging Report 3; c4130 Building Construction Bill Format 4; c5155 Excel Retail Invoice Template 5. Download free microsoft word and invoice template. Download free basic invoice template for Microsoft Word®, by Jon Wittwer I created this invoice template in Microsoft Word for people who do not have Excel or for some reason want to use Word. Billing is a breeze with a Microsoft invoice template. Easy-to-use and professionally designed, these free invoice templates streamline your administrative time so you can get back to running your business. Excel and Word templates for invoices include basic invoices as well as sales invoices and service invoices.

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The complexity of a physical system or a dynamical process expresses the degree to which components engage in organized structured interactions. High complexity is achieved in systems that exhibit a mixture of order and disorder (randomness and regularity) and that have a high capacity to generate emergent phenomena.


Complexity across Scientific Disciplines

Despite the importance and ubiquity of the concept of complexity in modern science and society, no general and widely accepted means of measuring the complexity of a physical object, system, or process currently exists. The lack of any general measure may reflect the nascent stage of our understanding of complex systems, which still lacks a general unified framework that cuts across all natural and social sciences. While a general measure has remained elusive until now, there is a broad spectrum of measures of complexity that apply to specific types of systems or problem domains. The justification for each of these measures often rests on their ability to produce intuitively correct values at the extremes of the complexity spectrum. Despite the heterogeneous approaches taken to defining and measuring complexity, the belief persists that there are properties common to all complex systems, and new proposals are continually being produced and tested by an interdisciplinary community of physicists, biologists, mathematicians, computer scientists, economists and social theorists.

This article deals with complexity from an information-theoretical perspective. A treatment of complexity from the perspective of dynamical systems can be found in another article (Complex Systems).

General Features of Complexity

Quantitative or analytic definitions of complexity often disagree about the precise formulation, or indeed even the formal framework within which complexity is to be defined. Yet, there is an informal notion of complexity based upon some of the ingredients that are shared by most if not all complex systems and processes. Herbert Simon was among the first to discuss the nature and architecture of complex systems (Simon, 1981) and he suggested to define complex systems as those that are 'made up of a large number of parts that have many interactions.' Simon goes on to note that 'in such systems the whole is more than the sum of the parts in the […] sense that, given the properties of the parts and the laws of their interaction, it is not a trivial matter to infer the properties of the whole.'

Components. Many complex systems can be decomposed into components (elements, units) that are structurally distinct, and may function as individuals, generating some form of local behavior, activity or dynamics. Components of complex systems may themselves be decomposable into subcomponents, resulting in systems that are complex at multiple levels of organization, forming hierarchies of nearly, but not completely decomposable components.

Interactions. Components of complex systems engage in dynamic interactions, resulting in integration or binding of these components across space and time into an organized whole. Interactions often modulate the individual actions of the components, thus altering their local functionality by relaying global context. In many complex systems, interactions between subsets of components are mediated by some form of communication paths or connections. Such structured interactions are often sparse, i.e. only a small subset of all possible interactions is actually realized within the system. The specific patterns of these interactions are crucial in determining how the system functions as a whole. Some interactions between components may be strong, in the sense that they possess great efficacy with respect to individual components. Other interactions may be considered weak, as their effects are limited in size or sporadic across time. Both, strong and weak interactions can have significant effects on the system as a whole.

Emergence. Interactions between components in integrated systems often generate phenomena, functions, or effects that cannot be trivially reduced to properties of the components alone. Instead these functions emerge as a result of structured interactions and are properties of the system as a whole. In many cases, even a detailed and complete examination of the individual components will fail to predict the range of emergent processes that these components are capable of if allowed to interact as part of a system. In turn, dissection of an integrated system into components and interactions generally results in a loss of the emergent process.

In summary, systems with numerous components capable of structured interactions that generate emergent phenomena may be called complex. The observation of complex systems poses many challenges, as an observer needs simultaneously to record states and state transitions of many components and interactions. Such observations require that choices be made concerning the definition of states, state space and time resolution. How states are defined and measured can impact other derived measures such as those of system complexity.

Figure 1: Complexity as a mixture of order and disorder. Drawn after Huberman and Hogg (1986).

Measures of Complexity

Examples Of Complexity Theory

Measures of complexity allow different systems to be compared to each other by applying a common metric. This is especially meaningful for systems that are structurally or functionally related. Differences in complexity among such related systems may reveal features of their organization that promote complexity.

Some measures of complexity are algorithmic in nature and attempt to identify a minimal description length. For these measures complexity applies to a description, not the system or process per se. Other measures of complexity take into account the time evolution of a system and often build on the theoretical foundations of statistical information theory.

Most extant complexity measures can be grouped into two main categories. Members of the first category (algorithmic information content and logical depth) all capture the randomness, information content or description length of a system or process, with random processes possessing the highest complexity since they most resist compression. The second category (including statistical complexity, physical complexity and neural complexity) conceptualizes complexity as distinct from randomness. Here, complex systems are those that possess a high amount of structure or information, often across multiple temporal and spatial scales. Within this category of measures, highly complex systems are positioned somewhere between systems that are highly ordered (regular) or highly disordered (random). Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the shape of such measures, however, it should be emphasized again that a generally accepted quantitative expression linking complexity and disorder does not currently exist.

Complexity as Randomness

Algorithmic information content was defined (Kolmogorov, 1965; Chaitin, 1977) as the amount of information contained in a string of symbols given by the length of the shortest computer program that generates the string. Highly regular, periodic or monotonic strings may be computed by programs that are short and thus contain little information, while random strings require a program that is as long as the string itself, thus resulting in high (maximal) information content. Algorithmic information content (AIC) captures the amount of randomness of symbol strings, but seems ill suited for applications to biological or neural systems and, in addition, has the inconvenient property of being uncomputable. For further discussion see algorithmic information theory.

Logical Depth (Bennett, 1988) is related to AIC and draws additionally on computational complexity defined as the minimal amount of computational resources (time, memory) needed to solve a given class of problem. Complexity as logical depth refers mainly to the running time of the shortest program capable of generating a given string or pattern. Similarly to AIC, complexity as logical depth is a measure of a generative process and does not apply directly to an actually existing physical system or dynamical process. Computing logical depth requires knowing the shortest computer program, thus the measure is subject to the same fundamental limitation as AIC.

Effective measure complexity (Grassberger, 1986) quantifies the complexity of a sequence by the amount of information contained in a given part of the sequence that is needed to predict the next symbol. Effective measure complexity can capture structure in sequences that range over multiple scales and it is related to the extensivity of entropy (see below).

Thermodynamic depth (Lloyd and Pagels, 1988) relates the entropy of a system to the number of possible historical paths that led to its observed state, with 'deep' systems being all those that are 'hard to build', whose final state carries much information about the history leading up to it. The emphasis on how a system comes to be, its generative history, identifies thermodynamic depth as a complementary measure to logical depth. While thermodynamic depth has the advantage of being empirically calculable, problems with the definition of system states have been noted (Crutchfield and Shalizi, 1999). Although aimed at distinguishing complex systems as different from random ones, its formalism essentially captures the amount of randomness created by a generative process, and does not differentiate regular from random systems.

Complexity as Structure and Information

A simple way of quantifying complexity on a structural basis would be to count the number of components and/or interactions within a system. An examination of the number of structural parts (McShea, 1996) and functional behaviors of organisms across evolution demonstrates that these measures increase over time, a finding that contributes to the ongoing debate over whether complexity grows as a result of natural selection. However, numerosity alone may only be an indicator of complicatedness, but not necessarily of complexity. Large and highly coupled systems may not be more complex than those that are smaller and less coupled. For example, a very large system that is fully connected can be described in a compact manner and may tend to generate uniform behavior, while the description of a smaller but more heterogeneous system may be less compressible and its behavior may be more differentiated.

Effective complexity (Gell-Mann, 1995) measures the minimal description length of a system's regularities. As such, this measure is related to AIC, but it attempts to distinguish regular features from random or incidental ones and therefore belongs within the family of complexity measures that aim at capturing how much structure a system contains. The separation of regular features from random ones may be difficult for any given empirical system, and it may crucially depend on criteria supplied by an external observer.

Physical complexity (Adami and Cerf, 2000) is related to effective complexity and is designed to estimate the complexity of any sequence of symbols that is about a physical world or environment. As such the measure is particularly useful when applied to biological systems. It is defined as the Kolmogorov complexity (AIC) that is shared between a sequence of symbols (such as a genome) and some description of the environment in which that sequence has meaning (such as an ecological niche). Since the Kolmogorov complexity is not computable, neither is the physical complexity. However, the average physical complexity of an ensemble of sequences (e.g. the set of genomes of an entire population of organisms) can be approximated by the mutual information between the ensembles of sequences (genomes) and their environment (ecology). Experiments conducted in a digital ecology (Adami, 2002) demonstrated that the mutual information between self-replicating genomes and their environment increased along evolutionary time. Physical complexity has also been used to estimate the complexity of biomolecules. The structural and functional complexity of a set of RNA molecules were shown to positively correlate with physical complexity (Carothers et al., 2004), indicating a possible link between functional capacities of evolved molecular structures and the amount of information they encode.

Statistical complexity (Crutchfield and Young, 1989) is a component of a broader theoretic framework known as computational mechanics, and can be calculated directly from empirical data. To calculate the statistical complexity, each point in the time series is mapped to a corresponding symbol according to some partitioning scheme, so that the raw data is now a stream of consecutive symbols. The symbol sequences are then clustered into causal states according to the following rule: two symbol sequences (i.e. histories of the dynamics) are contained in the same causal state if the conditional probability of any future symbol is identical for these two histories. In other words, two symbol sequences are considered to be the same if, on average, they predict the same distribution of future dynamics. Once these causal states have been identified, the transition probabilities between causal states can be extracted from the data, and the long-run probability distribution over all causal states can be calculated. The statistical complexity is then defined as the Shannon entropy of this distribution over causal states. Statistical complexity can be calculated analytically for abstract systems such as the logistic map, cellular automata and many basic Markov processes, and computational methods for constructing appropriate causal states in real systems, while taxing, exist and have been applied in a variety of contexts.

Predictive information (Bialek et al., 2001), while not in itself a complexity measure, can be used to separate systems into different complexity categories based on the principle of the extensivity of entropy. Extensivity manifests itself, for example, in systems composed of increasing numbers of homogeneous independent random variables. The Shannon entropy of such systems will grow linearly with their size. This linear growth of entropy with system size is known as extensivity. However, the constituent elements of a complex system are typically inhomogeneous and interdependent, so that as the number of random variables grows the entropy does not always grow linearly. The manner in which a given system departs from extensivity can be used to characterize its complexity.

Figure 2: Movie frames from a demonstration model of neural dynamics, consisting of 1600 spontaneously active Wison-Cowan neural mass units arranged on a sphere and coupled by excitatory connections. Three cases are shown: sparse coupling (local connections only), uniform coupling (global connections only), and a mixture of local and global connections (forming a small-world network). Neural complexity (Tononi et al., 1994; Sporns et al., 2000) is high only for the last case.

Neural complexity (Tononi et al., 1994), which may be applied to any empirically observed system including brains, is related to the extensivity of a system. One of its building blocks is integration (also called multi-information), a multivariate extension of mutual information that estimates the total amount of statistical structure within an arbitrarily large system. Integration is computed as the difference between the sum of the component's individual entropies and the joint entropy of the system as a whole. The distribution of integration across multiple spatial scales captures the complexity of the system. Consider the following three cases (Figure 2). (1) A system with components that are statistically independent will exhibit globally disordered or random dynamics. Its joint entropy will be exactly equal to the sum of the component entropies, and system integration will be zero, regardless of which spatial scale of the system is examined. (2) Any statistical dependence between components will lead to a contraction of the system's joint entropy relative to the individual entropies, resulting in positive integration. If the components of a system are highly coupled and exhibit statistical dependencies as well as homogeneous dynamics (i.e. all components behave identically) then estimates of integration across multiple spatial scales of the system will, on average, follow a linear distribution. (3) If statistical dependencies are inhomogeneous (for example involving groupings of components, modules, or hierarchical patterns) the distribution of integration will deviate from linearity. The total amount of deviation is the system's complexity. The complexity of a random system is zero, while the complexity of a homogeneous coupled (regular) system is very low. Systems with rich structure and dynamic behavior have high complexity.

Applied to neural dynamics, complexity as defined by Tononi et al. (1994) was found to be associated with specific patterns of neural connectivity, for example those exhibiting attributes of small-world networks (Sporns et al., 2000). Descendants of this complexity measure have addressed the matching of systems to an environment as well as their degeneracy, i.e. their capacity to produce functionally equivalent behaviors in different ways.

Complex Networks

Traditionally, complex systems have been analyzed using tools from nonlinear dynamics and statistical information theory. Recently, the analytical framework of complex networks has led to a significant reappraisal of commonalities and differences between complex systems found in different scientific domains (Amaral and Ottino, 2004). A key insight is that network topology, the graph structure of the interactions, places important constraints on the system's dynamics, by directing information flow, creating patterns of coherence between components, and by shaping the emergence of macroscopic system states. Complexity is highly sensitive to changes in network topology (Sporns et al., 2000). Changes in connection patterns or strengths may thus serve as modulators of complexity. The link between network structure and dynamics represents one of the most promising areas of complexity research in the near future.

Why Complexity?

Why does complexity exist in the first place, especially among biological systems? A definitive answer to this question remains elusive. One perspective is based on the evolutionary demands biological systems face. The evolutionary success of biological structures and organisms depends on their ability to capture information about the environment, be it molecular or ecological. Biological complexity may then emerge as a result of evolutionary pressure on the effective encoding of structured relationships which support differential survival.

Another clue may be found in the emerging link between complexity and network structure. Complexity appears very prominently in systems that combine segregated and heterogeneous components with large-scale integration. Such systems become more complex as they more efficiently integrate more information, that is, as they become more capable to accommodate both the existence of specialized components that generate information and the existence of structured interactions that bind these components into a coherent whole. Thus reconciling parts and wholes, complexity may be a necessary manifestation of a fundamental dialectic in nature.


  • Adami, C. (2002) What is complexity? BioEssays 24, 1085-1094.
  • Adami, C., Cerf, N.J. (2000) Physical complexity of symbolic sequences. Physica D 137, 62-69.
  • Amaral, L.A.N., Ottino, J.M. (2004) Complex networks. Eur. Phys. J. B 38, 147-162.
  • Bennett, C.H. (1988) Logical depth and physical complexity. In: R. Herken (ed.): The Universal Turing Machine. A Half-Century Survey. Pp. 227-257, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bialek, W., Nemenman, I., Tishby, N. (2001) Predictability, complexity, and learning. Neural Computation 13, 2409-2463.
  • Carothers, J.M., Oestreich, S.C., Davis, J.H., and Szostak, J.W. (2004) Informational complexity and functional activity of RNA structures. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 5130–5137.
  • Chaitin, G.J. (1977) Algorithmic information theory. IBM Journal of Research and Development 21, 350-359. [1]
  • Crutchfield, J.P., Young, K. (1989) Inferring statistical complexity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 105-109.
  • Crutchfield, J.P., Shalizi, C.R. (1999) Thermodynamic depth of causal states: Objective complexity via minimal representations. Phys. Rev. E 59, 275-283.
  • Gell-Mann, M. (1995) What is complexity? Complexity 1, 16-19.
  • Grassberger, P. (1986) Toward a quantitative theory of self-generated complexity. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 25, 907-928.
  • Huberman, B.A., Hogg, T. (1986) Complexity and adaptation. Physica D 22, 376-384.
  • Kolmogorov, A. N. (1965) Three approaches to the quantitative definition of information. Problems of Information Transmission 1, 1-17.
  • Lloyd, S., Pagels, H. (1988) Complexity as thermodynamic depth. Annals of Physics 188, 186-213.

  1. Examples Of Complexity Theory
  2. Complexity Gaming
  3. Complexity Of Algorithm

What is the opposite of Complexity? Antonyms for Complexity (opposite of Complexity). Complexity horse page with past performances, results, pedigree, photos and videos. Complexity horse rating and status. See who is a fan of Complexity.

Olaf Sporns (2007), Scholarpedia, 2(10):1623.doi:10.4249/scholarpedia.1623revision #91142 [link to/cite this article]

Synonyms for complexity in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for complexity. 8 synonyms for complexity: complication, involvement, intricacy, entanglement, convolution. Cfia automated shipment inspection status search tool.

Post-publication activity

Curator:Olaf Sporns

How to Create an Invoice in Microsoft Word. An invoice is a formal business document presented by a dealer to a client. Like a receipt, it also states sale transactions, products, ordered quantities, and payment agreement of the products or services provided to a certain client.The list of payment/s are stated in the invoice. Download the 'Free Word Invoice Template' online to your computer or device Edit the fields in the invoice template with your business name, business contact information, client information, services. Here are our templates closely related to 20 Microsoft Office Invoice Templates Free Download. C3007 Notary Invoice Template 1; c5098 Invoicing Template for Roofing Service 2; c5150 Product Names and Shipping Address on Aging Report 3; c4130 Building Construction Bill Format 4; c5155 Excel Retail Invoice Template 5. Download free microsoft word and invoice template. Download free basic invoice template for Microsoft Word®, by Jon Wittwer I created this invoice template in Microsoft Word for people who do not have Excel or for some reason want to use Word. Billing is a breeze with a Microsoft invoice template. Easy-to-use and professionally designed, these free invoice templates streamline your administrative time so you can get back to running your business. Excel and Word templates for invoices include basic invoices as well as sales invoices and service invoices.

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The complexity of a physical system or a dynamical process expresses the degree to which components engage in organized structured interactions. High complexity is achieved in systems that exhibit a mixture of order and disorder (randomness and regularity) and that have a high capacity to generate emergent phenomena.


Complexity across Scientific Disciplines

Despite the importance and ubiquity of the concept of complexity in modern science and society, no general and widely accepted means of measuring the complexity of a physical object, system, or process currently exists. The lack of any general measure may reflect the nascent stage of our understanding of complex systems, which still lacks a general unified framework that cuts across all natural and social sciences. While a general measure has remained elusive until now, there is a broad spectrum of measures of complexity that apply to specific types of systems or problem domains. The justification for each of these measures often rests on their ability to produce intuitively correct values at the extremes of the complexity spectrum. Despite the heterogeneous approaches taken to defining and measuring complexity, the belief persists that there are properties common to all complex systems, and new proposals are continually being produced and tested by an interdisciplinary community of physicists, biologists, mathematicians, computer scientists, economists and social theorists.

This article deals with complexity from an information-theoretical perspective. A treatment of complexity from the perspective of dynamical systems can be found in another article (Complex Systems).

General Features of Complexity

Quantitative or analytic definitions of complexity often disagree about the precise formulation, or indeed even the formal framework within which complexity is to be defined. Yet, there is an informal notion of complexity based upon some of the ingredients that are shared by most if not all complex systems and processes. Herbert Simon was among the first to discuss the nature and architecture of complex systems (Simon, 1981) and he suggested to define complex systems as those that are 'made up of a large number of parts that have many interactions.' Simon goes on to note that 'in such systems the whole is more than the sum of the parts in the […] sense that, given the properties of the parts and the laws of their interaction, it is not a trivial matter to infer the properties of the whole.'

Components. Many complex systems can be decomposed into components (elements, units) that are structurally distinct, and may function as individuals, generating some form of local behavior, activity or dynamics. Components of complex systems may themselves be decomposable into subcomponents, resulting in systems that are complex at multiple levels of organization, forming hierarchies of nearly, but not completely decomposable components.

Interactions. Components of complex systems engage in dynamic interactions, resulting in integration or binding of these components across space and time into an organized whole. Interactions often modulate the individual actions of the components, thus altering their local functionality by relaying global context. In many complex systems, interactions between subsets of components are mediated by some form of communication paths or connections. Such structured interactions are often sparse, i.e. only a small subset of all possible interactions is actually realized within the system. The specific patterns of these interactions are crucial in determining how the system functions as a whole. Some interactions between components may be strong, in the sense that they possess great efficacy with respect to individual components. Other interactions may be considered weak, as their effects are limited in size or sporadic across time. Both, strong and weak interactions can have significant effects on the system as a whole.

Emergence. Interactions between components in integrated systems often generate phenomena, functions, or effects that cannot be trivially reduced to properties of the components alone. Instead these functions emerge as a result of structured interactions and are properties of the system as a whole. In many cases, even a detailed and complete examination of the individual components will fail to predict the range of emergent processes that these components are capable of if allowed to interact as part of a system. In turn, dissection of an integrated system into components and interactions generally results in a loss of the emergent process.

In summary, systems with numerous components capable of structured interactions that generate emergent phenomena may be called complex. The observation of complex systems poses many challenges, as an observer needs simultaneously to record states and state transitions of many components and interactions. Such observations require that choices be made concerning the definition of states, state space and time resolution. How states are defined and measured can impact other derived measures such as those of system complexity.

Figure 1: Complexity as a mixture of order and disorder. Drawn after Huberman and Hogg (1986).

Measures of Complexity

Examples Of Complexity Theory

Measures of complexity allow different systems to be compared to each other by applying a common metric. This is especially meaningful for systems that are structurally or functionally related. Differences in complexity among such related systems may reveal features of their organization that promote complexity.

Some measures of complexity are algorithmic in nature and attempt to identify a minimal description length. For these measures complexity applies to a description, not the system or process per se. Other measures of complexity take into account the time evolution of a system and often build on the theoretical foundations of statistical information theory.

Most extant complexity measures can be grouped into two main categories. Members of the first category (algorithmic information content and logical depth) all capture the randomness, information content or description length of a system or process, with random processes possessing the highest complexity since they most resist compression. The second category (including statistical complexity, physical complexity and neural complexity) conceptualizes complexity as distinct from randomness. Here, complex systems are those that possess a high amount of structure or information, often across multiple temporal and spatial scales. Within this category of measures, highly complex systems are positioned somewhere between systems that are highly ordered (regular) or highly disordered (random). Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the shape of such measures, however, it should be emphasized again that a generally accepted quantitative expression linking complexity and disorder does not currently exist.

Complexity as Randomness

Algorithmic information content was defined (Kolmogorov, 1965; Chaitin, 1977) as the amount of information contained in a string of symbols given by the length of the shortest computer program that generates the string. Highly regular, periodic or monotonic strings may be computed by programs that are short and thus contain little information, while random strings require a program that is as long as the string itself, thus resulting in high (maximal) information content. Algorithmic information content (AIC) captures the amount of randomness of symbol strings, but seems ill suited for applications to biological or neural systems and, in addition, has the inconvenient property of being uncomputable. For further discussion see algorithmic information theory.

Logical Depth (Bennett, 1988) is related to AIC and draws additionally on computational complexity defined as the minimal amount of computational resources (time, memory) needed to solve a given class of problem. Complexity as logical depth refers mainly to the running time of the shortest program capable of generating a given string or pattern. Similarly to AIC, complexity as logical depth is a measure of a generative process and does not apply directly to an actually existing physical system or dynamical process. Computing logical depth requires knowing the shortest computer program, thus the measure is subject to the same fundamental limitation as AIC.

Effective measure complexity (Grassberger, 1986) quantifies the complexity of a sequence by the amount of information contained in a given part of the sequence that is needed to predict the next symbol. Effective measure complexity can capture structure in sequences that range over multiple scales and it is related to the extensivity of entropy (see below).

Thermodynamic depth (Lloyd and Pagels, 1988) relates the entropy of a system to the number of possible historical paths that led to its observed state, with 'deep' systems being all those that are 'hard to build', whose final state carries much information about the history leading up to it. The emphasis on how a system comes to be, its generative history, identifies thermodynamic depth as a complementary measure to logical depth. While thermodynamic depth has the advantage of being empirically calculable, problems with the definition of system states have been noted (Crutchfield and Shalizi, 1999). Although aimed at distinguishing complex systems as different from random ones, its formalism essentially captures the amount of randomness created by a generative process, and does not differentiate regular from random systems.

Complexity as Structure and Information

A simple way of quantifying complexity on a structural basis would be to count the number of components and/or interactions within a system. An examination of the number of structural parts (McShea, 1996) and functional behaviors of organisms across evolution demonstrates that these measures increase over time, a finding that contributes to the ongoing debate over whether complexity grows as a result of natural selection. However, numerosity alone may only be an indicator of complicatedness, but not necessarily of complexity. Large and highly coupled systems may not be more complex than those that are smaller and less coupled. For example, a very large system that is fully connected can be described in a compact manner and may tend to generate uniform behavior, while the description of a smaller but more heterogeneous system may be less compressible and its behavior may be more differentiated.

Effective complexity (Gell-Mann, 1995) measures the minimal description length of a system's regularities. As such, this measure is related to AIC, but it attempts to distinguish regular features from random or incidental ones and therefore belongs within the family of complexity measures that aim at capturing how much structure a system contains. The separation of regular features from random ones may be difficult for any given empirical system, and it may crucially depend on criteria supplied by an external observer.

Physical complexity (Adami and Cerf, 2000) is related to effective complexity and is designed to estimate the complexity of any sequence of symbols that is about a physical world or environment. As such the measure is particularly useful when applied to biological systems. It is defined as the Kolmogorov complexity (AIC) that is shared between a sequence of symbols (such as a genome) and some description of the environment in which that sequence has meaning (such as an ecological niche). Since the Kolmogorov complexity is not computable, neither is the physical complexity. However, the average physical complexity of an ensemble of sequences (e.g. the set of genomes of an entire population of organisms) can be approximated by the mutual information between the ensembles of sequences (genomes) and their environment (ecology). Experiments conducted in a digital ecology (Adami, 2002) demonstrated that the mutual information between self-replicating genomes and their environment increased along evolutionary time. Physical complexity has also been used to estimate the complexity of biomolecules. The structural and functional complexity of a set of RNA molecules were shown to positively correlate with physical complexity (Carothers et al., 2004), indicating a possible link between functional capacities of evolved molecular structures and the amount of information they encode.

Statistical complexity (Crutchfield and Young, 1989) is a component of a broader theoretic framework known as computational mechanics, and can be calculated directly from empirical data. To calculate the statistical complexity, each point in the time series is mapped to a corresponding symbol according to some partitioning scheme, so that the raw data is now a stream of consecutive symbols. The symbol sequences are then clustered into causal states according to the following rule: two symbol sequences (i.e. histories of the dynamics) are contained in the same causal state if the conditional probability of any future symbol is identical for these two histories. In other words, two symbol sequences are considered to be the same if, on average, they predict the same distribution of future dynamics. Once these causal states have been identified, the transition probabilities between causal states can be extracted from the data, and the long-run probability distribution over all causal states can be calculated. The statistical complexity is then defined as the Shannon entropy of this distribution over causal states. Statistical complexity can be calculated analytically for abstract systems such as the logistic map, cellular automata and many basic Markov processes, and computational methods for constructing appropriate causal states in real systems, while taxing, exist and have been applied in a variety of contexts.

Predictive information (Bialek et al., 2001), while not in itself a complexity measure, can be used to separate systems into different complexity categories based on the principle of the extensivity of entropy. Extensivity manifests itself, for example, in systems composed of increasing numbers of homogeneous independent random variables. The Shannon entropy of such systems will grow linearly with their size. This linear growth of entropy with system size is known as extensivity. However, the constituent elements of a complex system are typically inhomogeneous and interdependent, so that as the number of random variables grows the entropy does not always grow linearly. The manner in which a given system departs from extensivity can be used to characterize its complexity.

Figure 2: Movie frames from a demonstration model of neural dynamics, consisting of 1600 spontaneously active Wison-Cowan neural mass units arranged on a sphere and coupled by excitatory connections. Three cases are shown: sparse coupling (local connections only), uniform coupling (global connections only), and a mixture of local and global connections (forming a small-world network). Neural complexity (Tononi et al., 1994; Sporns et al., 2000) is high only for the last case.

Neural complexity (Tononi et al., 1994), which may be applied to any empirically observed system including brains, is related to the extensivity of a system. One of its building blocks is integration (also called multi-information), a multivariate extension of mutual information that estimates the total amount of statistical structure within an arbitrarily large system. Integration is computed as the difference between the sum of the component's individual entropies and the joint entropy of the system as a whole. The distribution of integration across multiple spatial scales captures the complexity of the system. Consider the following three cases (Figure 2). (1) A system with components that are statistically independent will exhibit globally disordered or random dynamics. Its joint entropy will be exactly equal to the sum of the component entropies, and system integration will be zero, regardless of which spatial scale of the system is examined. (2) Any statistical dependence between components will lead to a contraction of the system's joint entropy relative to the individual entropies, resulting in positive integration. If the components of a system are highly coupled and exhibit statistical dependencies as well as homogeneous dynamics (i.e. all components behave identically) then estimates of integration across multiple spatial scales of the system will, on average, follow a linear distribution. (3) If statistical dependencies are inhomogeneous (for example involving groupings of components, modules, or hierarchical patterns) the distribution of integration will deviate from linearity. The total amount of deviation is the system's complexity. The complexity of a random system is zero, while the complexity of a homogeneous coupled (regular) system is very low. Systems with rich structure and dynamic behavior have high complexity.

Applied to neural dynamics, complexity as defined by Tononi et al. (1994) was found to be associated with specific patterns of neural connectivity, for example those exhibiting attributes of small-world networks (Sporns et al., 2000). Descendants of this complexity measure have addressed the matching of systems to an environment as well as their degeneracy, i.e. their capacity to produce functionally equivalent behaviors in different ways.

Complex Networks

Traditionally, complex systems have been analyzed using tools from nonlinear dynamics and statistical information theory. Recently, the analytical framework of complex networks has led to a significant reappraisal of commonalities and differences between complex systems found in different scientific domains (Amaral and Ottino, 2004). A key insight is that network topology, the graph structure of the interactions, places important constraints on the system's dynamics, by directing information flow, creating patterns of coherence between components, and by shaping the emergence of macroscopic system states. Complexity is highly sensitive to changes in network topology (Sporns et al., 2000). Changes in connection patterns or strengths may thus serve as modulators of complexity. The link between network structure and dynamics represents one of the most promising areas of complexity research in the near future.

Why Complexity?

Why does complexity exist in the first place, especially among biological systems? A definitive answer to this question remains elusive. One perspective is based on the evolutionary demands biological systems face. The evolutionary success of biological structures and organisms depends on their ability to capture information about the environment, be it molecular or ecological. Biological complexity may then emerge as a result of evolutionary pressure on the effective encoding of structured relationships which support differential survival.

Another clue may be found in the emerging link between complexity and network structure. Complexity appears very prominently in systems that combine segregated and heterogeneous components with large-scale integration. Such systems become more complex as they more efficiently integrate more information, that is, as they become more capable to accommodate both the existence of specialized components that generate information and the existence of structured interactions that bind these components into a coherent whole. Thus reconciling parts and wholes, complexity may be a necessary manifestation of a fundamental dialectic in nature.


  • Adami, C. (2002) What is complexity? BioEssays 24, 1085-1094.
  • Adami, C., Cerf, N.J. (2000) Physical complexity of symbolic sequences. Physica D 137, 62-69.
  • Amaral, L.A.N., Ottino, J.M. (2004) Complex networks. Eur. Phys. J. B 38, 147-162.
  • Bennett, C.H. (1988) Logical depth and physical complexity. In: R. Herken (ed.): The Universal Turing Machine. A Half-Century Survey. Pp. 227-257, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bialek, W., Nemenman, I., Tishby, N. (2001) Predictability, complexity, and learning. Neural Computation 13, 2409-2463.
  • Carothers, J.M., Oestreich, S.C., Davis, J.H., and Szostak, J.W. (2004) Informational complexity and functional activity of RNA structures. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 5130–5137.
  • Chaitin, G.J. (1977) Algorithmic information theory. IBM Journal of Research and Development 21, 350-359. [1]
  • Crutchfield, J.P., Young, K. (1989) Inferring statistical complexity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 105-109.
  • Crutchfield, J.P., Shalizi, C.R. (1999) Thermodynamic depth of causal states: Objective complexity via minimal representations. Phys. Rev. E 59, 275-283.
  • Gell-Mann, M. (1995) What is complexity? Complexity 1, 16-19.
  • Grassberger, P. (1986) Toward a quantitative theory of self-generated complexity. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 25, 907-928.
  • Huberman, B.A., Hogg, T. (1986) Complexity and adaptation. Physica D 22, 376-384.
  • Kolmogorov, A. N. (1965) Three approaches to the quantitative definition of information. Problems of Information Transmission 1, 1-17.
  • Lloyd, S., Pagels, H. (1988) Complexity as thermodynamic depth. Annals of Physics 188, 186-213.
  • McShea, D.W. (1995) Metazoan complexity and evolution: Is there a trend? Evolution 50, 477-492.
  • Simon, H.A. (1981) The Sciences of the Artificial. MIT Press: Cambridge.
  • Sporns, O., Tononi, G., Edelman, G.M. (2000) Theoretical neuroanatomy: Relating anatomical and functional connectivity in graphs and cortical connection matrices. Cereb. Cortex 10, 127-141.
  • Tononi, G., Sporns, O., Edelman, G.M. (1994) A measure for brain complexity: Relating functional segregation and integration in the nervous system. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91, 5033-5037.

Internal references

  • Marcus Hutter (2007) Algorithmic information theory. Scholarpedia, 2(3):2519.
  • Valentino Braitenberg (2007) Brain. Scholarpedia, 2(11):2918.
  • Gregoire Nicolis and Catherine Rouvas-Nicolis (2007) Complex systems. Scholarpedia, 2(11):1473.
  • James Meiss (2007) Dynamical systems. Scholarpedia, 2(2):1629.
  • Tomasz Downarowicz (2007) Entropy. Scholarpedia, 2(11):3901.
  • Arkady Pikovsky and Michael Rosenblum (2007) Synchronization. Scholarpedia, 2(12):1459.

External Links

See Also

Algorithmic Information Theory, Chaos, Complex Systems, Entropy, Graph Theory, Information Integration Theory, Mutual Information, Self-Organization, Small-World Network, Synchronization

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2. One of the components of something complex: a maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(kəmˈplɛksɪtɪ) n, pl-ties
1. the state or quality of being intricate or complex
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Complexity Gaming

(kəmˈplɛk sɪ ti)
n., pl. -ties.
1. the state or quality of being complex; intricacy: the complexity of urban life.
2. something complex: the complexities of foreign policy.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



  1. (He was) as complex as the double helix and sometimes as simple as a Paramecium —Mike Sommer
  2. As complicated and unavailing as a cut-out paper snowflake —Eudora Welty
  3. As complicated as a full-bore, rollicking infidelity right in their own homes —Richard Ford
  4. As complicated as the flush valve on a water closet —Anon
  5. [A family's history] convoluted as a Greek drama —Gail Godwin
  6. (Character is as) detailed, as intricately woven as the intricate Oriental carpets and brocades in Freud's office —Vincent Canby, New York Times, September 24, 1986

    The Oriental carpet and brocade comparison was particularly apt for Canby's review of Nineteen-Nineteen, a movie about two Freud patients, with many scenes in Freud's heavily carpeted Vienna office.

  7. The detail was astonishing, like the circuits on a computer chip —James Morrow
  8. (By marriage she had to assume a whole new family of blood kin) elaborate as a graph —George Garrett
  9. (Their relationship seemed as) intricate as a DNA blueprint —Joseph Wambaugh
  10. To say Freud was complex is like saying Tolstoy could write —Anon

Complexity Of Algorithm

Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.complexity - the quality of being intricate and compounded; 'he enjoyed the complexity of modern computers'
quality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; 'the quality of mercy is not strained'--Shakespeare
complicatedness, knottiness, tortuousness, complication - puzzling complexity
elaborateness, intricacy, involution, elaboration - marked by elaborately complex detail
tapestry - something that resembles a tapestry in its complex pictorial designs; 'the tapestry of European history'
trickiness - the quality of requiring skill or caution; 'these puzzles are famous for their trickiness'
simplicity, simpleness - the quality of being simple or uncompounded; 'the simplicity of a crystal'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


nouncomplication, involvement, intricacy, entanglement, convolutiona diplomatic problem of great complexity
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Something complex:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
indviklethedkompleksitetkompleks tilstandindviklet tilstand
bonyodalombonyolultságkomplikációösszetett volta


[kəmˈpleksɪtɪ]Ncomplejidadf, lo complejo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


complexitiesnpl (= problems) [life] → complicationsf
legal complexities → complexitésfpljuridiques
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nKomplexitätf; (of person, mind, issue, question, problem, poem also)Vielschichtigkeitf; (of theory, task, system also, machine, pattern)Differenziertheitf, → Kompliziertheitf
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈkompleks) , ((American) kəmˈpleks) adjective
1. composed of many parts. a complex piece of machinery. gekompliseerd, ingewikkeld, kompleks, samegesteld مُرَكَّب съставен complexo složený zusammengesetzt kompliceret; sammensat; kompleks πολυσύνθετοςcomplejo kompleksne مرکب؛ پیچیده moniosainen complexeמורכב जटिल složen, sastavljen összetett gabungan margbrotinn, flókinn complesso 複合の 복합적인 sudėtinis salikts kompleks ingewikkeldkompleks, sammensatt, flersidigzłożony مركب، ګډ، مختلط، اخښلى: پيچلى، نغښتى، مغلق complexo complex сложный zložitý sestavljen složen sammansatt ซับซ้อน kompleks, karmaşık 合成的,複合的 складний; комплексний مرکب phức tạp 合成的,复合的
2. complicated or difficult. a complex problem. ingewikkeld مُعَقَّد сложен complexo složitý kompliziert kompliceret; vanskelig περίπλοκος, δύσκολοςcomplejo keeruline پیچیده؛ بغرنج monimutkainen complexeמורכב, מסובך जटिल zamršen, kompliciran bonyolult rumit margbrotinn, flókinn complesso 複雑な 복잡한 painus, sudėtingas komplicēts; sarežģīts rumi ingewikkeldinnviklet, floket, komplisertskomplikowany مغلق complexo complex сложный zložitý zapleten kompleksan komplicerad, invecklad ซับซ้อน; ยาก kompleks, anlaşılması güç 複雜的 складний پیچیدہ ، دشوار rắc rối 复杂的
(ˈkompleks) noun
1. something made up of many different pieces. The leisure complex will include a swimming-pool, tennis courts, a library etc. geheel, kompleks, samestel, samestelling مُجَمَّع مبانٍ، مُنْشَأَه цялост complexo komplex; celek der Komplex kompleks συγκρότημα, κτ. που αποτελείται από πολλά διαφορετικά μέρη complejo kompleks مجتمع؛ مجموعه kokonaisuus ensemble תִשׁלוּבֶת בִּניָנִים जटिल skup, cjelina, kompleks kombinát kompleks (húsa)samstæða complesso 複合体 복합체 kompleksas komplekss kompleks complexkompleks, sammensatt helekompleks مجموعه conjunto complex комплекс komplex kompleks kompleks anläggning, komplex สิ่งที่สลับซับซ้อน site, tesisler 合成物,複合物 комплекс کئی حصوں سے بنا ہوا khu liên hợp 合成物,复合物
2. (often used loosely) an abnormal mental state caused by experiences in one's past which affect one's behaviour. She has a complex about her weight; inferiority complex. fiksasie, kompleks عُقْدَه псих. комплекс complexo komplex der Komplex kompleks σύμπλεγμα, κόμπλεξcomplejo kompleks عقده kompleksi complexeתסביך मनोग्रंथी kompleks komplexus kompleks geðhnútur, duld complesso コンプレックス 콤플렉스 kompleksas komplekss kompleks complexkomplekskompleks عقده complexo complex комплекс komplex kompleks kompleks komplex อาการทางจิตไม่ปกติ kompleks, duygu karmaşası 情結 комплекс, пунктик ذہنی احساس mặc cảm 情结
complexity (kəmˈpleksəti) plural comˈplexities noun
1. the quality of being complex. gekompliseerdheid, ingewikkeldheid, kompleksiteit, samegesteldheid تَعْقيد сложност complexidade složitost die Vielfalt kompleks tilstand; indviklet tilstand περιπλοκότηταcomplejidad keerulisus پیچیدگی monimutkaisuus complexité מוּרכָּבוּת जटिलता zapletenost, složenost, sastavljenost bonyolultság kerumitan margbrotið eðli complessità 複雑さ 복잡성 sudėtingumas, painumas sarežģītība kerumitan ingewikkeldheid innviklet tilstand/forhold złożoność مغلقی com­plexitate сложность zložitosť zapletenost složenost sammansatt (invecklad, komplicerad) beskaffenhet ความซับซ้อน karmaşıklık 複雜性 складність; заплутаність پیچیدگی tình trạng phức tạp 复杂性
2. something complex. ingewikkeld, samegesteld شَيء مُعَقَّد заплетеност complexidade složitost; komplexnost die Schwierigkeit indviklethed; kompleksitet περιπλοκήcomplejidad keerukus هر چیز پیچیده monimutkainen complexitéמורכב पेचीदगी kompleksnost összetett volta vminek kerumitan flókið mál complessità 複雑なもの 복잡한 것 sudėtingas dalykas komplicētība hal yang rumit gecompliceerdheidfloke, forvikling zawiłość هر شی چی مغلق وی complexidade complexitate что-л. сложное zložitosť zapletenost kompleksnost komplikation, krånglighet สิ่งที่ซับซ้อน karmaşık şey 複雜的事物 комплексність کوئی پیچیدہ چیز điều phức tạp 复杂的事物
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